Wiki section added

A Wiki section is now online!
This is where all pc’s information will be collected.
Click on the menu button or use the Jump to.

Commodore 64 emulator added

A Commodore 64 Emulator has been put online!
You can choose among several images.
Use the Jump to. No link at the moment.

Links section added

A Links section is now online!
I will collect there the links to my favourite websites.
Click on the menu button or use the Jump to.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator added

A Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator has been put online!
You can choose among several images.
Use the Jump to. No link at the moment.

Gallery section added

A Gallery section is online!
This is where pc’s images will be placed.
Click on the menu button or use the Jump to.

Forum section added

The new Forum section is online! Click on the menu button or use the Jump to.

8 Bit Inside is online!

Today, Saturday 25 April 2009, 8 Bit Inside is online!

It is Under Construction (and it will be for a looong time).